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Live on Producthunt! · Originally published on DEV Community. Hello fellow developers! Have you ever been stuck with technical jargon, concepts, or tool...
A short guide to solve problems in a "Better" way. · Hey there, Buzdies! As far as I learned from being in tech for around 3 years, becoming "better" in...
A detailed review of the book "The Programmer's Brain" + Giveaway! 🎁 · Hey there, buzdies! As a beginner, intermediate, or expert programmer, have you...
A sneak-peak to the golden world of debugging... · Hello again, buzzdies! Hope you had such a great week 😊 Alright, let’s get into the thing. By the...
No more of getting tired! · Hello buzzdies! I bet, most of you have heard enough about Pomodoro Technique, a time management method. In case you haven’t,...
A short guide to keeping it simple, stupid · Hello buzdies! When talking about the principles of programming, the KISS principle is remarkable. Standing...